Friday, November 30, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

SAMPLE LESSON: Birds from South America

Objective : Students will match the name of the birds to the sounds they make.

Tasks: Each students will identify a bird when a sound is made, names of bird, country in South American they can be found. you should post your assign work in the comment section to get credit for your work.

1. Using the link in your resources. click on a bird and listen to the sound.
2. Give the common name and scientific name of the bird you click on.
3. Find out which country in South America this bird lives.
4. Name three other birds that live in that South American country
5.Find two countries in South America in which at least three types of the same birds can be found.

Evaluation: You will be given 20 marks for the entire activity:For the first process =2 marks
For the second process= 5 marks, to complete third process=2, to complete fourth process= 3 marks, to complete fifth process=8

Conclusion : This exercise is good to help students to develop an appreciation for birds and their place of origin.